Alexandra Family Physicians is a family practice and after-hours clinic run by a group of local physicians and located inside the Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll, Ontario.

Family Doctors

Dr. Amy Blake, Dr. Carola Collins, Dr. Jill Matsuo & Dr. Joel Wohlgemut

Alexandra Family Physicians, Family Physicians' Practice and After Hours Clinic in Ingersoll, Ontario Canada Happy smiling kid on his dad's arm, held gently by a doctor, an assistant or a nurse, at a medical clinic. A licensed stock photo. Alexandra Family Physicians, Family Physicians' Practice and After Hours Clinic in Ingersoll, Ontario Canada Alexandra Family Physicians, Family Physicians' Practice and After Hours Clinic in Ingersoll, Ontario Canada

Contact Information


2nd Floor, Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll. Click for Map & Directions.

Office Hours

Mon-Thu 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Fri 9:00 am - noon.

After-Hours Clinics (By Appointment Only)

Urgent clinic appointments (offered by doctors in Ingersoll and Woodstock) may be available for patients of the Alexandra Family Physicians. See the After Hours Clinics Calendar below for times, locations, and contact numbers for after-hours clinics.

Phone & Fax

Phone: 519 425-9000 • Fax: 519 485-9609
Dr. Lori Bruce has a separate practice; click here for her office contact information.

Mailing Address:

Alexandra Family Physicians, 29 Noxon St., Ingersoll, ON N5C 1B8

Medeo Portal

patient.medeohealth.comIf you are having difficulty logging into the Medeo Portal directly, access the site using the email link sent when new information is available.

If you wish to receive information digitally, talk to our staff about signing up with Medeo!

Map & Directions

Measles Outbreak

Southwestern Public Health (covering Oxford and Elgin counties) has identified a number of cases of measles over the last few months. Measles is a highly contagious virus; however, MOST patients will be protected by previous immunization, which is typically started at 12 months of age. Due to the outbreak, babies 6-11 months old are eligible for an extra dose of vaccine for earlier protection. More information, including a risk assessment calculator, is available at the following link:

After-Hours Clinics Calendar

After-hours clinics are NOT for medical emergencies; in that case, proceed to the nearest Emergency Department or call 911. However, if your medical issue is urgent, and cannot wait for your own family doctor, please call the number listed on the calendar to determine availability and book an after-hours appointment.

You may also view this calendar in fullscreen on Google.